metro de madrid _ transparente

Metro de Madrid: “Transparente” from shin_matsuda on Vimeo.
"“Transparente” aims at changing people’s perspectives about using the subway in Madrid. Literally.These kinds of vfx projects are all about restraint. Props to director Gabriel Ibañez for nailing the pacing and subdued palette. It turns out that effects studio La Huella did a lot of the heavy lifting on this project, including all the 3D and most of the compositing.Here’s a little more info on the production process form La Huella’s Jerome Debeve:All the pre-production work involving pre-viz was done by Gabe Ibañez and Vanesa Iglesias at Usert38.Camera angles / velocity and focal length were worked out in 3D, so we had all the needed information for the shooting.Actors were shot from below using a specially constructed structure of several hi-density glass panels. These panels were mounted on a metallic armature 3 meters tall and 10 meters wide, forming a bridge so the motorized travelling rig could move freely and repeat the moves as needed.A green screen was suspended above the set. The wide shots are all CG, and the close ones a mix between greenscreen elements and CGI.The team at La Huella spent 6 weeks in total on this production, that won quite a few awards in Spain and outside.Later we used the same technique for a Gas Natural spot where two children run inside a house during its creation ; you can see it at "


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