'08 Vice Presidency Debate

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BBC _ 08 Vice Presidency debate

all i gotta say is Biden was smoother than i thought, the man is eligible.
Palin was PAWNDED. c'mon.."Mccain knows what's evil"..???
how cute...

oh yeah..
if you are a third grader.. you get extra credit for watching the debate!

+A new poll by the Washington Post suggests that 60% of voters now see Mrs Palin as lacking the experience to be an effective president. -BBC

Biden "we will end this war"

palin"we both love israel"



Biden health care 123

Biden "the worst economic policies"

Palin does not know what she's talking about..

94 vs 477 PAWNEDED!!!!!!! and palin talks pretty..


biden "mccain's no maverick"

previously Biden "dead wrong"


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